were to begin.
First ..."The Rookie". Now picture the scene. You're about to go against the biggest badass drug dealing boss who has an entire skyscraper full of badass druggie henchmen who would like you to be mostly dead. Gun? Check. Armour? Check. One liners? Check....feels like I've forgotten something though...oh yeah! An inexperienced rookie who knows nothing about this kind of situation/ the pressure that comes with it or where she left her helmet apparantly. Surely lesson number one at judgey day care was PUT YOUR FUCKING HELMET ON.
Second...Judge Dredd. He looks like he's trying to do a Sly Stallone as Judge Dredd impersonation. Badly.
Also his unifrom is more than half way homo-erotic. Like he got called in for work and he was in the club with his boy and had to rush straight from there. Sweaty balls and all
Thirdly...The bad guy, or in this case bad girl, Momo or whatever her name is. Now the big question is this...did she invent the drug so she could call it something that sounds something like her stupid name OR is it a poorly thought up nickname brought about by the drug? The answer? Either way its stupid.
And finally the drug itself...Slow Mo??? If it makes time slow down and you're reactions are slower, surely the police would be able to catch the fuckers on it???? "Quick!! Watch out! He's getting away...very slowly...." Think I'll go remake the dinner i ate earlier...might be shit though....