Sunday, 28 October 2012

read the signs

Mr M informs me I'm turning into that housemate. You know the one. The one who leaves helpful signs around the communal areas telling you what you should be doing and when.
Now, I will willingly admit that I put up those signs. I had to. They have turned me into this neurotic person. With their messiness and laziness and annoyingness.
 Who leaves dirt cups with 3 day old tea bags lying in them? They do. Who leaves bowls lying with water in them and calls it "washing up"? They do. Who NEVER cleans any part of the house. They do...well they don't but you know what i mean. They never pay attention to my signs.
Maybe i should leave a sign in the shower... Who gets over friendly with the showerhead when she feels lonely? That's right... I do.

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