Friday, 11 May 2012

I stood on a frog I swear...

Accidently farted in bed with Mr.M this morning. Tried to pass it off as loud ducks flying overhead. He didnt buy it. I have to get him to fart in front of me. A lot. Had a couple of ideas on how to acheive this. One inolves force feeding him beans whilst he sleeps. The other includes a woopie cushion, a pencil and a lot of lube....


Anonymous said...

the romance is dead...

Anonymous said...

So does "accidentally" letting one go mean that you will forever have to keep in all other bodily functions on accordance that it only happens once a year. Or does this open the relationship into a whole new dimension where its ok to let go and be comfortable in which case people usually stop exercising and get fat??

geekgirl said...

its always ok to stop exercising in my book lol except the old horizontal jog mind. giving that up would not be an option lol