Saturday, 14 April 2012

dear reproductive system

Why oh why can't you leave me a little note in my knickers once a month saying "Good news team, we're not pregnant. See you next month."
You don't see Wonder Woman or Emma Frost walking into a very important meeting 10 minutes late, being asked "WHY??" by annoyed men and having to reply, "Sorry, i was changing my tampon." OR... bending over mid-battle with mind numbing cramps reaching for a hot water bottle and spending the rest of the day in bed eating chocolate, watching crap and crying at every little thing that falls into your peripheral vision....
And if they don't have to put up with I dont see why I should.
No, I don't care that they are ficticous characters.
Also, women in Star Trek (possibly best tv show EVER) never visit sick bay with PMS and cramps that would cripple an elephant. No fair.....then again I've never seen Picard asking for advice on erectile dysfunction either.

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