Wednesday 18 April 2012

tongue in cheek

There were no clean spoons in the house when i went to eat my petits filous. I couldn't be bothered to hunt down one to clean, so i decided to eat it as it was. Which I did with great joy. Which then lead me to the conclusion that I would make a great lesbian. In the physical sense only. I couldn't date a woman. I think I'm pretty normal, you know, sane. And inside my head is like a shit storm of anxiety, paranoia and self doubt. And i think im "normal". So i can accept the fact that woman are a little bit crazy (and I do sometimes wonder why any sane person would want to date us) therefore i would not voluntarily walk into that minefield. Luckily the world is made up of women (crazy) and men (stupid), so the species will continue to procreate and thrive.
Anyway I digress, I merely men that in the act of making love (with my mouth) I'm farely confident I could pleasure a woman. Now if you'll excuse me i have to do my yoga.

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